my experiments.

On this page, you will view the drafts that led to the final artwork presented in my portfolio.

In my work, I am constantly exploring the relationship between poetry and the female figure. I like to believe that poetry can be read on the skin of a woman, if one takes the time to sit with her long enough.

Experimental: The Artist Scrapbook

a lot of my work explores the war between the two women inside me..


The Last Letter (short film)

one of my first trials mixing Arabic calligraphy & poetry.

poetry on skin, photographs, & mirrors

Nicholas Fols’ photography

Nizar Qabbani’s poetry on skin

between 2020-2021 I worked on a series of images and videos to try to portray the solitude and pain of coming back home.

Studio time

“I am counting on you staying a secret that tears me apart and is never spoken.” (Nizar Qabbani)

photography & oil paint

scenes from “The Last Letter”

drafts from the short film in “Caesura”

I wanted to visually capture the sharp contrast between the two women who live inside me: there’s the free, careless dancing one, and the broken one that stands stiff and hopeless. Between them is an endless war. I wanted to witness them battling each other through film. I’m not sure I managed to capture it as vividly and as chaotically as I experience it.

painting on tulle is like painting on air. It has a life of its own. It moves with me. It rebels against me. It’s what makes tulle both enchanting and incredibly challenging.

Below is an image I sketched unintentionally while living with a man I had loved for five years. It was one of those rare moments when I allow my hands to move on their own, to speak to me. It was only through this drawing that I realized how desperate I was to leave, and how stuck I had been. A month later, I left.